We are a non-denominational church everyone is welcome. We appreciate the love God has for the lost the sick & the needy. We are a small congregation of mixed culture. Our desire is to bring the principle teachings of Jesus Christ to discipleship the people to reach their destiny and to know our Father God wants to satisfy the desires of our hearts.

The media team in CACGTM is made up of skilled and trained media personnel who are responsible for our graphics, T.V outreach programs, film editing and all forms of electronic and print media.

Choir Ministry
The Choir ministers to the people in praise, worship and also special songs in all church meetings and services.
As the choir leads the congregation into the high praises of God and ultimately his presence, God Himself comes down with his blessings. Psalm 22:3
We use the instrumentality of music to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Routine protocol duties within the Church premises during services and meetings
Manning the church entrance, main sanctuary and Pastor’s office.
Identifying visiting ministers, VIPs, church guests, special guests and attending to them appropriately.
Compiling, and inviting guests to special programs.
Procurement and processing of travel documents of guests.
Transportation and accommodation arrangements for guests.
Logistics and formalities during special meetings

Kid's Ministry
The aim of the CAC Grace and Truth Children ministry is to:
Help the children to understand the word of faith
Help the children to develop their identity in Christ
Encourage the children to develop an understanding of God’s purpose and plan for their lives.
Help the children to discover and use the gifts (spiritual, physical and mental) that God has deposited in them.
Providing learning in a fun-filled, child-cantered, Christ dominated environment we encourage our parents to provide their children with notebooks, writing materials and Bibles.

Hospitality Ministry
Gives the warm welcome to worshipers at the entrance and assists worshipers who may need help to their seats.
They work with other service groups to identify those responding to the altar call and direct them to the appropriate service group.
They provide adequate Christian care to worshipers during services and meetings.
They manifest the love of Christ to all worshipers.

Welcomes worshipers and directs them to their respective seats
Assist in whatever capacity to ensure that the guests are comfortable and that their needs are met during the service e.g. directions to the convenience rooms etc.
Maintaining order during meetings and services.
Removal or minimizing distractions such as crying babies or ringing mobile phones during service.

Sanctuary Keeper
Ensure that the main sanctuary, church offices, and the general surrounding of the place of worship are kept clean and orderly at all times.
We also ensure that our convenience rooms are kept clean, presentable, and necessary facilities are available at all times.
We also arrange the sanctuary and other areas to meet the needs of our various types of services.
Evangelism Team
“…Go ye therefore, into all the world and make disciples of all nations…” Matt 28:19
The mission department of evangelism unit exists to carry out the comprehensive vision listed below and of which you can become involved:
Preaching and teaching the word of God with the utilization of tracts to win souls in the community.
Visiting hospitals to pray for the sick and minister salvation to them.
Meeting to pray for Members, Converts, Outreaches and the Church.
Organizing occasional Mass Evangelism for the Church.
Occasional workshops on personal Evangelism and discipleship.
Follow-up on souls won in the street outreaches. The great commission mandate is versatile and cannot be fully enumerated, however the vision enfolds as the Spirit of God commands and leads us in the unit.

Follow Up
The follow-up team assists the first timers by:
Giving information about the Church and our meetings, and helping them know that they are appreciated and most welcome.
Keeping the “back door” firmly shut – making sure that those who have decided to join the family don’t slip out through the back door through lack of information
Agreeing with our First Timers in prayers on burning issues of their lives. They counsel, and if need be, recommend for further counselling with the Pastor.
Security & Car Park Team
Security and the Health and Safety of all are paramount to the operations of the department. The security of persons and goods is of great importance amidst the growing number of worshipers.
Maintenance of law and order is of the essence with a growing congregation.
Co-ordination and control of car parking within and outside the church premises to ensure conformity with road and traffic regulation.
Ensure that members’ parked cars are secure during church services.
Ensure safety by observing and controlling traffic so as to enhance the safety of our commuting members. As much as possible, ensure that any compromise of general security and safety of members is swiftly dealt with.

Crowd Control Unit
Serves in maintaining order in the movement of the crowd.
Co-ordinate flow/direction of people during ministrations and specialized services.
Manning the church entrance, main sanctuary and Pastor’s office.
Publication Unit/ Medical Team
Sees to the editing of Church publications.
Also serve as the public relations arm of the Church.​​
Provide initial care in case of an injury, to prevent a condition from worsening or danger of further injury.
Ensure that an injured person is taken away from further cause of harm and first aid techniques are applied.
Follow Up